Online dating features revolutionized just how people meet. Millions of women of all ages now match men through Net-based expertise or perhaps meet personally and then overlap via email. These new methods own brought with them one of a kind stumbling blocks and obstacles, but as well the same possibility to find sustainable love. This guide teaches girls how to use electronic communication to obtain the interest of suitable men, avoid time-wasters, and ultimately preserve themselves a lot of heartache and needless frustration. Drawing on a similar time-tested principles that made The Rules a global bestseller and launched thousands of women of all ages down the path to committed human relationships, The Rules designed for Online Dating displays women how you can apply the ten Golden Rules to the world of e-courtships and secure their own version of Mr. Right.

Incorporates free online training materials: weekly lessons, a Guidelines Dating Log, and a “Living by the Rules” DVD. Developed by simply Sherrie Schneider and Ellen Sachte.